Management reserves the rights to change the Cancellation and Refund Policy terms and conditions from time to time.
Refund Eligibility
- You may cancel your order and get a refund based on the following conditions:
- You cancel at least 24 hours before the item is shipped out or dispatched.
- The delivered items did not match with your original order
- There were missing / partially missing items in the delivery.
- The items are spoiled (e.g. ‘corked’ wine).
- The order is damaged during the transit.
- We are unable to fulfil your order.
- Only the affected items will be granted refund.
- Upon receipt of goods, please verify the quantity and the products received within 1 day. For delivery using third party courier service provider, a delivery order will be signed by the customer to confirm the products delivered and quantity are correct. In the case of missing / partially missing items during receiving, please notify us immediately within 1 day after receiving the goods for investigation.
- For wines, corked bottles sent back to us should still contain its original contents, with a minimum of half full.
- Shipping and delivery charges will not be refunded unless the mistake is caused by us.
Time Limit for Refund Request after Receiving the Goods
- Within 1 week after receiving the goods.
How to request refund?
- Request by WhatsApp text to us, or email to Kindly your name, contact and document number (eg. Order / Invoice Number).
- In the case that the refund request is approved, we will issue a refund confirmation by writing.
- Refund will not be granted if there is no reason given for refund.
- If you previously made your order payment by online transfer, we would have to confirm the receipt of the amount before we could proceed to process refund. The refund will take approximately 2-3 working days for our finance checking and bank processing from the day we confirmed received your payment.
- For credit card transaction refund, the refund will be credited back to your original credit card. It will take approximately 3 to 4 weeks by the bank issuer to complete.
- For E-wallet transaction, transaction fee imposed by the E-wallet provider may be deducted. The refund may be credited back to your original E-wallet or by manual bank transfer from us.